The Ultimate Journey

Let’s turn our attention back to The Ambitious Journey.
Our journeys follow similar paths.
Social Recognition
Financial Stability
These categories are the enduring themes of my writing.
My goal being to help you achieve what you think you need to do.
Put differently, to help us achieve what we think will make us happy.
But at the back of my mind, I have a hunch that most of us are simply passing time. We are staying busy and avoiding a deeper reality of life.
What do I mean?
One half of my family tree lives a long time. Typically, well into their 80s. When we live that long, we gain perspective on the concerns, worries and dramas of our younger selves.
All the hustle, effort and striving… it works, my ancestors were excellent at achieving their goals.
But… and it’s a big but...
I’ve watched time strip everything away.
The status, the wealth, all of the fruits of their labors… gone over time. When we deeply absorb this reality, it’s freeing.
This might sound dark, but it doesn’t need to be. When the transition works well there is a generational renewal. It’s why I place such an emphasis on leaving a legacy via teaching.
Embodying the reality of impermanence makes one heck of a final act. It’s what I call “dying with style” and it is our ultimate journey.
All of the skills we’ve been discussing in the last few months. We can apply them in our final act.
A gift we can leave our families, letting them know there really isn’t anything to worry about.