This series started as two Twitter threads (Part One & Part Two).
The threads contain links to talks, essays and tweets about how our minds work. If you’ve enjoyed my writing then it’s worth digging around in the threads.
There’s an essay at the end of Part One about narrative.
There’s also a Six-Part Thread Series in Part Two about how we prove our narratives.
If you are unsure about your narrative then start by noticing:
What do I say about myself?
What do I say about my life?
What do I say about other people?
Our words reveal the narrative that is guiding our life.
I firmly believe we can shape our narrative and redirect our lives.
The purpose of this series is to help you shape your journey as you make your way to your ultimate destination.
Shaping The Narrative
To create an exceptional life requires empty space.
Stillness, in mind, allows us to think.
What might we think about?
What are my beliefs?
Where did these beliefs come from?
Do they serve where I’d like to take my life?
Put differently, what is the story I am creating with my life?
Sometimes we don’t have the time, or the capacity, to notice our narrative. We’re caught up in events, and simply trying to get through the day.
When stressed, I find my “time available for contemplation” is passed using social media as a distraction.
Or, being overstimulated, my mind spins all day, and into the night, concerning the small details of my life.
Not Busy
Too Busy
Both can lead to dissatisfaction.
Think Clearly
Three luxury goods.
All require empty space.
The Ambitious Journey
Start by thinking about adults you knew as a young person.
What were those people really doing?
Quite often, passing time.
Too often, engaging with drama.
Occasionally, creating drama.
I propose a better way.
Consider taking a journey, an Ambitious Journey.
Long Time Horizon
Daily Actions
Setbacks To Overcome
Guides & Mentors To Help Along The Way
The answer to the question, “What Journey?” has probably been with you since childhood.
Places where I find the answers:
When I laugh out loud.
When I’ve been working and lose track of time.
Where I have more energy.
Where I feel serene afterwards.
With the themes repeating in my quiet thoughts.
In my envious thoughts.
Capture your ideas.
I remind myself:
I don’t need the perfect task
I don’t need to complete the task
I need to be engaged working on the task
We’re all passing time.
Coming Up: The Nature Of The Journey